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What is UKAS (formerly NAMAS)?
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Prior to 1968 firms requiring traceability in the calibration of standards required to send them to the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) or rely on the “in house” certificate of the manufacturer of the gauges. Because of the growing need for calibration, it became obvious that unless a large expansion of the test house facilities at the NPL took place they would not be able to handle the work. This
Hardness Testing
Introduction to Vickers Pyramid Hardness Testing B The Vickers Pyramid Hardness Testing Machine was developed as a result of research for a thoroughly reliable and accurate means of testing the hardness of metals, and to be applicable to all classes of work. The importance of metallurgist science to engineering practice is ever increasing, and modern requirements of high speeds and stress call for rigid metallurgical control of hardness, capable of interpretation in terms of an
Pressure Gauges
The use and care of pressure gauges EN 837-1 : 1996 This standard specifies the tolerances and limits for simple forms of pressure gauges such as: Care and use 1. Always select the pressure gauge that best fits the application. 2. Care should be taken while using pressure gauges. Should you drop a pressure gauge, it should be re-calibrated/repaired before reusing it. 3. Always clean pressure gauges after use with a cloth. 4. Do not
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